Where you publish can be as important as what you publish. This decision impacts the discoverability of your research, your research profile and how your research is perceived by your university and colleagues. This guide gives a brief overview of the tools available to you to manage your scholarship and research profile.
Clarivate Analytics and Scopus Indexing
A. Clarivate Analytics (formerly Thomson Reuters) Master Journal List
Click for WEB of SCIENCE support
B. The Scopus® database (Elsevier B.V.) shares a publicly available portal that includes journals and country scientific indicators via Scimago Journal & Country Rank.
*Alternatively, use Scimago Shape of Science visualization tool from the Scopus Scimago lab.
NOTE: Even when not Scopus, or Clarivate Analytics, or Cabell's indexed, discipline-specific publications play a major role in enabling and enhancing scholarly publishing.
Some LibGuides with useful information on the topic include: