In this class, you'll need to find additional readings and sources. Students often struggle to find research and information on the UAE. Below are resources and tutorials to help you find the information you need.
We’ve created an online guide to assist you in finding locally relevant content. The brief tutorial video (below) introduces the guide.
Academic Search Ultimate offers students a vast collection of peer-reviewed, full-text journals indexed in leading citation indexes. It includes academic journals, magazines, reports, books, and videos across many disciplines.
1. On the ZU Library Homepage, Type in Your Keyword in the Search Box |
2. After typing your keyword, you will be directed to the search results page. Click the Full-Text Online link
3. Once you click the Full-Text Online link, you will be prompted to login through EZProxy. Use your ZU username and password to continue.
4. Congratulations! You now have access to the eResource!
1. From the ZU Library Homepage, click the Find An Article button |
2. You will be directed to the A-Z Database list, click on your desired Database title
3. After clicking Database title, you will be prompted to login through EZProxy. Use your ZU username and password to continue.
4. Once successful, you will now be able to access the Database |
1. Go to Zayed University: |
2. On the top, click on e-Services.
3. Scroll down and click on the “Library-Remote Access” tab.
4. Click on the “Start the service” tab. |
5. . Enter your ID # and Password. Then click on “Login.” You will be directed to the library's main page. |
Google Scholar is a web search engine that indexes scholarly articles, books, conference papers, and theses from various disciplines. It is a freely accessible platform that makes it easy to search for and access academic literature from numerous sources worldwide. Google Scholar provides researchers, students, and academics with a range of features, including citation tracking, related articles, and personal libraries.
Google Scholar Library Links connect users with resources available through their institution's library, providing seamless access to full-text articles and other scholarly materials. By configuring these links, users can easily discover and access subscription-based content without navigating away from Google Scholar.