The Anxiety and Phobia Workbook by Edmund J. BourneCall Number: RC535.B68 2000
ISBN: 9781572242234
Publication Date: 2000-11-01
Anxiety is a leading mental health problem that can manifest in occasional panic attacks or, at its most extreme, as paralyzing agoraphobia. When therapists or healthcare providers see a patient exhibiting symptoms of anxiety, this workbook is the first tool they reach for. Over 400,000 copies of the first two editions of this workbook have sold in North America. This new book has been substantially revised to reflect the latest strategies at work to combat anxiety. Behaviour modification, support networks and pharmacology are scrutinized, and detailed information is given for all the standard and new medications available. Herbs and supplements, such as Kava Kava, St. John's Wort and SAM-e, are discussed along with the way they interact with traditional medications. An up-to-the-minute list of resources and websites will help people with computer access find help coping with anxiety disorders.There are millions of people in North America who suffer from anxiety disorders or phobias. The Anxiety & Phobia Workbook will help them find ways to function.