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Library Video Resources

Library Video Resources

Zayed University Library Library provides access to thousands of streaming videos online


Academic Video Online (Alexander Street, AVON)

Academic Video Online is the most comprehensive video subscription available to libraries. It delivers more than 62,000 titles spanning the widest range of subject areas including anthropology, business, counseling, film, health, history, music, and more.


Films On Demand: Master Academic Video Collection (Formerly known as Infobase)

Over 26,000 curriculum-focused streaming videos in various subjects such as Arts & Architecture, Psychology, Environmental Sciences and more.


LinkedIn Learning is an online learning platform that offers self-paced, online videos on various subjects such as business, software development, technology, and creative skills. The video library contains engaging, top-quality courses taught by industry experts that cater to beginners, intermediate and advanced learners.


SAGE Videos: counseling and Psychotherapy Collection 

SAGE Videos: Counseling and Psychotherapy Collection contain documentaries, in-practice, interviews and tutorial videos that will expose students to various aspects of human experiences, explore research and discussion on a particular topic and help them see practical applications of methods they learn from textbooks.

Online video