This is the place for Library faculty & staff to find local, international, and online professional development opportunities!
If you have suggestions, or know of other PD opportunities, please let us know so we can add them to the guide!
Happy Learning!
From the PD Team
The mission of the Professional Development Team (PD Team) is to guide our department in establishing and pursuing learning goals. The PD Team promotes and facilitates continued learning and sharing of professional knowledge and skills for the ongoing development of the Library’s faculty and staff. We aim to encourage an open learning community in the Zayed University Library that fosters the growth of expertise and knowledge within our team.
Our vision is to build a culture of professional development where all members of our Library team participate actively by engaging in activities that promote professional growth, and continuous improvement, and gather to exchange and share knowledge and skills, hence creating a Learning organization (i.e. a team working together for continuous improvement). Offering support to our fellow Library colleagues in their professional development will power innovation and learning in our profession and to the benefit of our Library and its users from the Zayed University community.