Hello and welcome to the College of Education LibGuide. This guide contains a collection of both print and electronic resources arranged by discipline. The materials featured are only a sampling of the entire collection for education. Feel free to make suggestions or ask a librarian for more assistance.
This guide will help you find information on different tests and ways of measuring in many fields including education.
These databases index journals articles, newsletters, books, documents, and dissertations related to Education. Each index has a very different focus and scope, so please read the descriptions carefully to find the right database for your search. A proper search on most topics will include the use of multiple databases. For help with using any of these resources, please contact one of the librarians.
Academic Search Ultimate offers students a vast collection of peer-reviewed, full-text journals indexed in leading citation indexes. It includes academic journals, magazines, reports, books, and videos across many disciplines.
Education Database supports the study and application of education at all levels, from early childhood to higher education, with thousands of full-text journals, dissertations, and other sources, enabling global research.
Education, child development, issues relating to children citation and abstract information from over 750 education journals and related documents from the Educational Resource Information Center.
APA PsycInfo® by the American Psychological Association is the largest resource for abstracts of peer-reviewed literature in behavioral science and mental health. It includes records from the 1600s to present, with international journal coverage in multiple languages.