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Undergraduate Research Scholars Program

Library Check-in

Which of these tell you the address or location of a book:
Title: 1 votes (1.19%)
Call Number: 64 votes (76.19%)
ISBN: 19 votes (22.62%)
Subject Heading: 0 votes (0%)
Total Votes: 84
A ZU library "database" is best defined as:
Collection of physical books.: 10 votes (11.63%)
General collection of social media feeds.: 19 votes (22.09%)
Subject specific collection of articles.: 47 votes (54.65%)
Website guide containing library's hours.: 10 votes (11.63%)
Total Votes: 86
APA and MLA both refer to:
Citation styles for documenting sources in a research paper.: 75 votes (98.68%)
Bands from AbuDhabi.: 1 votes (1.32%)
Clothing brands.: 0 votes (0%)
Call numbers (address) for a book.: 0 votes (0%)
Total Votes: 76
As a ZU student, you can access the library's collection of eBooks and online articles from home by...
Searching the library's website.: 23 votes (29.49%)
It's not possible to access ZU library's ebooks and online articles from home.: 7 votes (8.97%)
Searching Google.: 0 votes (0%)
First logging into the extranet using your name and student number, then searching the library's website.: 48 votes (61.54%)
Total Votes: 78
How can you get a book or article that the ZU Library does not own?
Request it from the author.: 3 votes (4%)
Order the item through Interlibrary Loan (ILL): 58 votes (77.33%)
Purchase the item at the reference desk.: 9 votes (12%)
Do nothing. It is impossible to get the book or article.: 5 votes (6.67%)
Total Votes: 75
When looking at a website domain, which matches are correct?
.edu=company .org=organization .ae=UAE country code .com=education: 5 votes (7.04%)
.edu=organization .org=company .ae=education .com=country code: 5 votes (7.04%)
.edu=blog .org=facebook .ae=website .com=twitter: 2 votes (2.82%)
.edu=education .com=company .ae=UAE country code .org=organization: 59 votes (83.1%)
Total Votes: 71

Using the Library website photo, answer the following questions below:

A Google like search box that searchs only the library catalog and databases:
Quickfind: 48 votes (64.86%)
Library Catalog: 12 votes (16.22%)
Library Research Databases: 13 votes (17.57%)
ZU Library Chat: 1 votes (1.35%)
Total Votes: 74
LiveChat reference with Librarians:
QuickFind: 4 votes (5.56%)
Library Catalog: 3 votes (4.17%)
Library Research Databases: 4 votes (5.56%)
ZU Library Chat: 61 votes (84.72%)
Total Votes: 72
Where to search for ONLY books:
QuickFind: 11 votes (15.71%)
Library Catalog: 44 votes (62.86%)
Library Research Databases: 13 votes (18.57%)
ZU Library Chat: 2 votes (2.86%)
Total Votes: 70
Where to find online journals and articles:
Quickfind: 15 votes (18.99%)
Library Catalog: 9 votes (11.39%)
Library Research Databases: 53 votes (67.09%)
ZU Library Chat: 2 votes (2.53%)
Total Votes: 79