The University Archives is responsible for the development and implementation of retention and disposition schedules for university records. In October 2014, the University Archives began a records survey of university offices, colleges and other ZU entities. The information gathered from the survey will supplement survey data previously compiled in 2010 and assist in the ongoing collection of university records as well as the implementation of university-wide records management strategies.
Additionally, the survey will facilitate the establishment of a network of Records Management Liaisons throughout the University. Each entity’s liaison will serve as the point-of-contact for the University Archivist on various records management issues.
For more information contact the University Archivist
Some things you can do to help get Records Management up and running at ZU:
This list represents the twelve initial record groups (RGs) established for Zayed University records. A much more detailed record group list that breaks each of these into multiple levels of sub-groups has also been created, though by necessity it is updated routinely to reflect the changes and developments in university organization. The RG numbering system in the main and detailed record groups gives the University Archives a way to index and organize the filing of all department materials once they are received.
Zayed University Main Record Groups
RG Number | Record Group Title |
RG1 | President |
RG2 | University Council |
RG3 | Vice President |
RG4 | Provost |
RG5 | Deans |
RG6 | Finance and Administration |
RG7 | Faculty |
RG8 | Students |
RG9 | Institutes, Centers, and Academies |
RG10 | Zayed University Academic Program Model |
RG11 | Awards and Honors |
RG12 | Materials about Zayed University (from external sources) |
Since Zayed University is a continually evolving organization, our system of records arrangement needs to be flexible. This top-level record group list developed for the University Archives at ZU is by no means a perfect representative of the bodies and functions of the university at any one point in its history. Appropriate keyword indexing and cross-referencing, and periodic adjustments to the terminology used in the records group list (i.e. changing "Program Directors" to "Deans" with a reference to the former title), ensure that records can always be located after classification.
The Federal Government of the United Arab Emirates issued Law No. (7) for 2008 establishing the National Center for Documentation and Research. This agency oversees the collection, preservation, and organization of government records, and has ultimate authority over the records created in the course of business by Zayed University. Selected sections of the Law which are most relevant to Zayed University records are as follows:
Article (5)
Public and historical documents are a state property by virtue of their being official pools of information necessary for scientific and historical research. They should not be disposed of except in the manner specified by this law, and in accordance with the rules and procedures set by the Center.
Article (6)
All governmental bodies are committed to dispatching their documents to the Center after five years from the date of closing a file. These bodies may retain certain documents for an additional period if these are necessary for running their works, provided that the additional period shall not exceed another five years, and in accordance with the controls to be set forth by the bylaws of this law.
Article (7)
As an exception from the provisions of Article (6) of this law, the Cabinet shall determine the government bodies that may retain some or all of its documents for periods other than those stipulated in this law, should the national security or public interest so necessitate.
Article (9)
In coordination with the Center, government bodies have to provide favorable conditions for the safety and preservation of documents throughout their holding thereof...
The full text of Federal Law No. (7) for 2008 establishing the National Center for Documentation and Research is below.