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Trauma & Resiliency Informed Pedagogy

This guide is an offer of guidance and support for professors teaching online. Both personal and professional trauma informed and resilience based practices will be shared.If you have any resources or ideas for this guide, please feel free to share!

TILT Higher Ed Examples And Resources

This link will take you to resources from the Transparency in Learning and Teaching project (TILT Higher Ed). These materials can help faculty, educational developers and administrators to apply the Transparency Framework (of purpose/task/criteria) in contexts including assignments, curricula, assessment and strategic initiatives, all toward the goal of enhancing student success equitably.

The Transparency in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education project (TILT Higher Ed) is an award-winning national educational development and research project that helps faculty to implement a transparent teaching framework that promotes college students' success. The Project's activities include:

  • workshops for both faculty and students that promote student's conscious understanding of how they learn
  • online surveys that help faculty to gather, share and promptly benefit from current data about students' learning by coordinating their efforts across disciplines, institutions and countries
  • confidential reporting of survey results to faculty
  • collaborative research on students' learning experiences

TILT Webinar