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Trauma & Resiliency Informed Pedagogy

This guide is an offer of guidance and support for professors teaching online. Both personal and professional trauma informed and resilience based practices will be shared.If you have any resources or ideas for this guide, please feel free to share!

Articles & Websites

Laying the Foundation for a Resilient Teaching Community Chronicle of Higher Ed

Leveraging the Neuroscience of Now

  • Mays Imad explores seven ways professors can help students thrive in class in times of trauma.

Isolation and Self-Care

  • Dr Bessel van der Kolk discusses why movement, breathing, music, rhythms, singing, and other things that change our visceral relationship to ourselves and our core regulatory systems.

The How and Why of Trauma Informed Teaching

  • In an extraordinary Twitter chat, educators discuss building trauma-informed social and emotional learning environments

E.H. Little Library Libguide on Trauma Aware Pedagogy 

  • Scholarly articles, podcasts, trade articles, webinars and reports on trauma informed pedagogyHow to Build Resilience During College—When it Matters Most

University of Buffalo School of Social Work: What is Trauma Informed Teaching?

Harvard Business Review: How to Build Resilience During College—When it Matters Most 

Chronicle of Higher Ed Reading, Writing, and Resilience

  • In the face of a student mental-health crisis, a few colleges are putting wellness into the curriculum


Trauma Geek

  • Trauma Geek - Trauma and Neurodiversity Education

Deirdre Fey: Becoming Safely Embodied

Dr. Arielle Schwartz writes on trauma, resiliency, yoga, and healing

Deb Dana Rythym of Regulation: Polyvagal Theory in Therapy

Dr. Janina Fisher

Dr. Stephen Porges 

Dr. Peter Levine Somatic Experiencing® A naturalistic and neurobiological approach to healing trauma

Stephen Terrel

Diane Poole Heller: Somatic Attachment & Trauma Expert

Stephen Terrell: Austin Attachment and Counseling Center: developmental trauma expert

The Trauma Therapist Project