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HRM 452 Training and Development

Why you need library research

Use facts and figures.

Make reference to relevant reading

Literature review on the outcome variable: Major implications of this variable on individuals and/or organizations (3-4 paragraphs)

Definition of Outcome Variable: An independent variable, sometimes called an experimental or predictor variable, is a variable that is being manipulated in an experiment in order to observe the effect on a dependent variable, sometimes called an outcome variable.

Refer to studies conducted about Training and Development in the UAE (3 to 4 paragraphs)

Reference list: write full information of your references by the end of your paper using APA referencing style. (8 references minimum).

Tips on Writing a Literature Review

Please note that a common error in literature reviews is for writers to present material from one author followed by information from another and then another… You SHOULD NOT do this when writing your literature review. A good literature review should meet the following requirements (Caulley, 1992):

Compare and contrast authors’ views on an issue
Group authors who draw similar conclusions
Critique aspects of methodology
Note areas in which authors are in disagreement
Highlight exemplary studies
Highlight gaps in research
Conclude by summarizing what the literature says
A literature review can also identify methodologies used by previous researchers to study a problem. Questionnaires, measurement scales, statistical techniques and research designs from other studies should be examined and adapted to meet the needs of the new study.