The Business Market Research Collection offers specialized company, industry, and country information, perfect for business students and novice searchers. Coverage includes Hoover’s, Oxford Economics, Barnes Reports, and Charting Economy.
This database contains proprietary information about more than 40,000 public and non-public companies and 225,000 key executives. Hoover's delivers in depth industry analyses, information on a company's location, summary financials, top competitors, top officers and more.
Business Market Research Collection (A part of ProQuest Central and for company information)
This collection allows users to conduct company, industry, economic and geopolitical market research with information from these sources: Hoover's Company Profiles - covering 40,000 global public and non-public companies including financials, competitors, officers, and more; OxResearch - succinct articles covering regional economic and political developments of significance; US and Worldwide Industry & Market Reports from Barnes Reports - covering global industries in depth; and Snapshots - market research overviews on 40+ industries and 40 countries.
Business Source Complete is a full text business database, providing full text for over 10,000 scholarly business journals, including more than 1,150 peer-reviewed business publications.
Expert Briefings cover unbiased analysis of independent business leaders and academics on political, social, and economic events. The database explores the implications and impact of global emerging trends and developments.
Full-text global news sources, including newspapers, newswires, television and radio transcripts, numerous regional and industry publications, and images from Reuters.
Nexis Uni™ features more than 15,000 news, business and legal sources from LexisNexis—including U.S. Supreme Court decisions dating back to 1790—with an intuitive interface that offers quick discovery across all content types, personalization features such as Alerts and saved searches and a collaborative workspace with shared folders and annotated documents.
Business Source Complete is a full text business database, providing full text for over 10,000 scholarly business journals, including more than 1,150 peer-reviewed business publications (Includes many KSAO articles)
SAGE Premier Journals includes electronic access to more than 900 peer-reviewed, full-text journals and over 746,000 articles with complimentary access back to 1999. It has high-quality, interdisciplinary content covering subjects from Humanities, Social Sciences, and Science, Technology, and Medicine and many more (Includes many KSAO articles)