This guide is to you with your research in ENG 240: English Composition III. The below resources will provide you with useful tips and meaningful help in completing your assignments "Explanation of a Concept" and "Argumentative Essay".
Do you struggle to read academic and scholarly resources like research articles? You are not alone! Reading scholarly materials is important during your academic experience; it helps you get the most out of your sources and understand your subject better. This video will review steps you can take to understand and read scholarly sources.
Correctly reading scholarly materials helps you get the most out of your sources and increases your understanding of your subject. We'll review steps you can take to better read and understand scholarly sources.
For help creating your Reference list and citing your sources using APA Style, click here.
For help creating in-text citations for your Final Project, click here.
For our full guide on APA Citation, click here.
ProQuest Research Companion is an intuitive, and self-guided product that supports information literacy, writing, and research skills instruction occurring in today's libraries and online learning environments. It provides a new foundation and companion to "one-shot" sessions, allowing librarians and instructors to focus on teaching more complex research and writing principles.
This video and tutorial will help you identify the required elements of APA 7th edition citation style in order to properly format in-text and reference list citations in your assignments. The tutorial includes several "check your understand" questions with drag and drop exercises where students can format citations of different source types properly.
The following quiz tests your knowledge of APA 7th Edition Citation format. This quiz is not graded, but is merely to help you test your knowledge of APA citation. When you begin this quiz it may ask for your name, class, and teacher. This information will not be used for grading.