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Interlibrary Loan

Information about Inter-Library Loan Requests

Interlibrary Loan (ILL) is a service that allows students, faculty and staff to borrow materials from other libraries through the ZU library in order to meet their study and research needs at ZU.

If the ZU library does not own the materials needed, we may be able to borrow from one of the following services:

British Library Service: Books may take two weeks or more to arrive (depending on availability).

Copyright Clearance Center: Articles may take a week to arrive (depending on availability and permissions). 

WorldShare ILL: Books may take up to two weeks to arrive and articles may take between a few hours to a week to arrive.

5 books & 10 articles can be ordered at a time. 

For more information please contact: OR

Abu Dhabi:  Hanin Abueida 02-599-3806
Dubai: Suad Al Mehri 04-402-1158 / Etchel Barina 04-402-1291 /  Nouf Juma 04-402-1294